tungsten ribbon lamp ne demek?

  1. Tungsten şeritli lamba


  1. Volfram.
  2. Simgesi W, atom numarası 74, atom kütlesi 184 g, e.n. 3400
  3. (en)Scheelite, or calcium tungstate.
  4. (en)Heavy gray-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite.
  5. (en)Tunsten.
  6. (en)Wolfram.
  7. (en)When used as an alloying element it increases the strength of steel at normal and elevated temperatures Its 'red hardness' value makes it suitable for cutting tools as it enables the tool edge to be maintained at high temperatures In conjunction with other alloying elements it finds applications in heat resisting and other severe service conditions.
  8. (en)Tungsten.
  9. (en)Rare element of the chromium group found in certain minerals, as wolfram and scheelite, and isolated as a heavy steel-gray metal which is very hard and infusible.
  10. (en)It has both acid and basic properties.


  1. Volfram.
  2. Simgesi W, atom numarası 74, atom kütlesi 184 g, e.n. 3400
  3. (en)Scheelite, or calcium tungstate.
  4. (en)Heavy gray-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite.
  5. (en)Tunsten.
  6. (en)Wolfram.
  7. (en)When used as an alloying element it increases the strength of steel at normal and elevated temperatures Its 'red hardness' value makes it suitable for cutting tools as it enables the tool edge to be maintained at high temperatures In conjunction with other alloying elements it finds applications in heat resisting and other severe service conditions.
  8. (en)Tungsten.
  9. (en)Rare element of the chromium group found in certain minerals, as wolfram and scheelite, and isolated as a heavy steel-gray metal which is very hard and infusible.
  10. (en)It has both acid and basic properties.

tungsten alloy

  1. Volfram alaşımı


  1. Kurdele, şerit, daktilo şeridi, bant, pervaz
  2. Riband kurdele: şerit: yazı makinasının şeridi
  3. Çoğ.,dili araba atının dizgini
  4. Şövalyelik nişanı olan kurdele parçası


  1. Lamba, kandil
  2. Işık
  3. Argo gözler
  4. Lamba, fener, ışık, ampul, far

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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