tripoli ne demek?

  1. Ufalandığında toz, madenî eşya, taş, mermer, cam temizlemeye ve parlatmaya yarayan silisli kaya.
  2. Cilalamada kullanılan ayrışmış kireçtaşı.
  3. (en)It consists almost wholly of the siliceous shells of diatoms.
  4. (en)Port city and commerical center in northwestern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea the capital and chief port and largest city of Libya; in northwestern Libya on the Mediterranean Sea; founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC.
  5. (en)Way to hand-finish metal This style of polishing removes the coarse marks left behind by sand polishing, and leaves a smoother finish.
  6. (en)Soft decomposed rock that may contain crystalline or amorphous forms of silica.
  7. (en)Form of hand finish polishing which removes coarse marks of sand polishing.
  8. (en)Weathered and decomposed siliceous limestone; in powdered form it is used in polishing.
  9. (en)The capital and chief port and largest city of Libya; in northwestern Libya on the Mediterranean Sea; founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC.
  10. (en)Port city and commerical center in northwestern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea.
  11. (en)An earthy substance originally brought from Tripoli, used in polishing stones and metals.
  12. (en)Tripoli.
  13. (fr)Tripoli
  14. Trablusgarp
  15. Trablusşam
  16. Trablus taşı, cilâ için kullanılan alçıtaşı.


  1. Trablusgarp ülkesi.


  1. Bk. destek çubuğu (II)
  2. (en)Three-legged stand (for example used to support a camera); something with three legs (e.g.
  3. (en)Stool, table, vessel, etc.).
  4. Sehpa, tripod, üç ayaklı sehpa
  5. Üç ayaklı sehpa
  6. Fotoğraf sehpası

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