the pits ne demek?

  1. Çukurlar, delikler, mümkün olan en kötü şŸey, olası en kötü yer veya insan; iç karartıcı, moral bozucu

the pictures

  1. İng. sinema.

the pill

  1. DoğŸum kontrol hapı

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

the picturesthe pillthe pineapplethe pintathe pacificthe pacific oceanthe palestinian problemthe panama canalthe pangs of hellthe 1967 bordersthe 1st cervical vertebrathe 2004 tsunamithe 80 20 rulethe a teamthethe abcthe abc powersthe ablativethe ablative caseththa sackthaithai boxingthai citizenpitsikatopitpit a patpit bosspit bull terrierpit coal
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