the dolomites ne demek?

  1. Dolomiden oluşmuş dağlar

the doldrums

  1. Okyanusun ekvatora yakın durgun kısımları

the dollar was traded

  1. Dolar bozduruldu, dolar takas edildi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

the doldrumsthe dollar was tradedthe dog is blackthe dogsthe dome of heaventhethe 1967 bordersthe 1st cervical vertebrathe 2004 tsunamithe 80 20 rulethe a teamthe abcthe abc powersthe ablativethe ablative caseththa sackthaithai boxingthai citizendolomitedolomite limestonedolomitdolomitic limestonedolomitik kireç taşıdolomidolomiden oluşmuş dağlardolomedes
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