teflon ne demek?

  1. Etilenden, flordan ve plastikten elde edilen madde.
  2. Tencere, tava vb. mutfak malzemelerinin iç yüzeyini kaplamakta kullanılan, ısıya dayanıklı özel madde.
  3. Bu maddeyle kaplanmış.
  4. (en)Teflon.
  5. (en)Material used to coat cooking utensils and in industrial applications where sticking is to be avoided.
  6. (en)Dupont Company trademark for flourocarbon resins.
  7. (en)Trade name for a synthetic sometimes used to coat hard bullets to protect the rifling Other synthetics, nylon for instance, have also been used as bullet coatings None of these soft coatings has any effect on lethality.
  8. (en)DuPont Company trademark for polytetrafluoroethylene.
  9. (en)Dupont Company trade name for fluorocarbon resins.
  10. (en)DuPont's trademark for tetrafluorethylene, a tough heat and chemical-resistant thermoplastic used as conductor and jacket insulations for plenum cables Chemical designation is FEP.
  11. (en)DuPont Company trademark for fluorocarbon resins.
  12. (en)An inert polymer, sometimes used in the manufacture of conveyor belting because of its ability to resist heat.
  13. (en)Trade name for a synthetic sometimes used to coat hard bullets to protect the rifling Other synthetics, nylon for.
  14. (en)Not to be trusted; 'how extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is'- James Agee; 'they called Reagan the teflon president because mud never stuck to him'.


  1. Tükürmek.


  1. Açmak.

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