swine cytomegalovirus infection ne demek?

  1. Domuzların sitomegalovirüs enfeksiyonu


  1. I, (tek
  2. Domuz

swine atrophic rhinitis

  1. Domuzların atrofik burun yangısı


  1. Herpesviridae ailesine ait bir virüs
  2. Bkz. sitomegalovirus


  1. Bulaşma, bulaştırma
  2. Bozulma
  3. Enfeksiyon

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

swineswine atrophic rhinitisswine babesiosisswine bordetella bronchiseptica infectionswine dry manureswine dysenteryswine edema diseaseswine enzootic polyencephalomyelitisswine feverswine fluswindleswindled bankruptcyswindlerswindlingswiftswift fashionswift handedswift of footswift to angercytomegaloviruscytomegaly
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