sprint ne demek?

  1. Yarışlarda son 100 m'de yapılan atak.
  2. Atın tam dörtnal koşarak yapabileceği azami süratli ko--süs-- şekline yarış dilinde verilen ad.
  3. (en)Sprint.
  4. (en)To run very rapidly; to run at full speed.
  5. (en)An all-out burst of speed, usually at the end of a race A match sprint British: a rim designed for tubular tires.
  6. (en)Kind of kart racing which utilizes smaller road courses, with turns to the left and right, as compared to speedways Sprint courses require different setup than the ovals used in speedway racing Sprint karts are of the situp variety Races usually last only a few minutes, with a pre-determiend number of laps See also: enduro racing.
  7. (en)Racing on flat water over marked straight courses over distances of 500m, 1000m, etc Sprint kayaks and canoes must meet strict size and weight rules, and are designed for speed, not comfort and stability Sprint is an Olympic sport.
  8. (en)The manner in which a water polo game begins each quarter Each team lines up on the wall or at the two-meter line to start When the referee blows his whistle, the two players closest to the referee sprint towards the ball, which is dropped on the halfway line TOP.
  9. (en)The shortest cross-country race, usually 1 5 kilometers, in which any style of skiing is allowed.
  10. (en)Sprint is a multi-day session of intense Zope 3 development organized around extreme programming ideas such as pair programming.
  11. (en)The act of sprinting; a run of a short distance at full speed.
  12. (en)The very high acceleration defensive missile used for 'terminal defense' Click here for more information.
  13. (en)Run very fast, usually for a short distance.
  14. (en)In training, to swim as fast as possible for a short distance.
  15. (en)Scalable Classifier for Data Mining Classifcation system that can handle disk-resident data Extension of SLIQ.
  16. (en)Brief promotion within a longer campaign, designed to maintain interest by awarding interim incentives.
  17. (en)Quick run.
  18. (en)Sacrifices any action to move at 3x normal movement rate.
  19. Tabana kuvvet koşmak
  20. En büyük hızla yapılan kısa mesafeli koşu
  21. Hızlı koşmak, koşuşturmak, sürat koşusu yapmak


  1. Atletizmde 100 ve 200 m koşularına katılan atlet.
  2. (en)One who sprints; one who runs in sprint races; as, a champion sprinter.
  3. (en)Someone who runs a short distance at top speed.
  4. (en)Sprinter , sprinters.
  5. Kısa mesafe koşŸucusu, yarışŸçı, sürat koşŸucusu


  1. Sökmek (şafak)
  2. Pat diye söylemek
  3. Hareketli köprüye sahip gitarlarda, esnekliğiyle köprünün iki yönlü hareket ettirilmesini sağlamak amacıyla köprü yuvası içerisine yerleştirilen ve sayısı köprü sertliği ile doğru orantılı, bir ucu pençeye diğeri bloğa tutturulmuş metal nesne.
  4. Bahar, ilkbahar
  5. Yay, zemberek
  6. Sıçramak, fırlamak, yay gibi fırlamak, birden çıkmak, yaylanmak, çarpmak
  7. Başlangıç
  8. Pınar; memba, kaynak
  9. Yaylanma
  10. Atlama, fırlama veya sıçrama gücü veya yeteneği

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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