shrug off ne demek?

  1. Önemsememek


  1. (en)Treat smb.
  2. (en)Like dirt.
  3. (en)Close one's eyes to.
  4. (en)Make light of.
  5. (en)Set at nought.
  6. (en)Piss on smth.
  7. (en)Not to care twopence for.
  8. (en)Play down.
  9. (en)Play it low down.
  10. (en)Have a low opinion of.

shrug of the shoulders

  1. Omuz silkme


  1. (ged, ging) omuz silkmek
  2. Omuz silkme.
  3. Omuz silkmek


  1. Kapalı
  2. (edat) uzağa
  3. Ileriye, ileride
  4. Öteye, ötede
  5. Yanda
  6. Tamamen
  7. Uzakta
  8. Uzak
  9. Yanlış
  10. Uygun olmayan, anormal

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

shrug of the shouldersshrugshrugged his shouldersshrubshrubberyshrubbyshrubyshradanshrankshrapnelshrapnellshredoffoff and onoff baseoff boardoff centeroff chanceoff coloroff colouroff course correctionoff dayofof a certain ageof a certain lengthof a certain qualityof a collapse
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