scruff ne demek?

  1. Ense


  1. Boynun arkası
  2. Boynun arka yüzü.
  3. (en)Arse.
  4. (en)Neck.
  5. (en)Back of the neck.
  6. (en)Nape.
  7. (en)Back of the head.
  8. (en)The nape of the neck.
  9. (en)Scruff.
  10. (en)Scruff of the neck.

scruff of the neck

  1. Ense


  1. Dökük saçık
  2. Pis, dağınık

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

scruff of the neckscruffyscrubscrub birdscrub brushscrub fowlscrub teamscrabblescrabble aboutscrabblerscragscrag end of mutton
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