rodeoculuk ne demek?

  1. Rodeocu olma durumu.
  2. Çok gezen (kimse).


  1. Rodeo yapan kimse.


  1. Rodeo yapan kimse.


  1. Bir binicinin yabani at veya öküz üzerinde durabilmesine dayanan Amerikan oyunu.
  2. (en)See Round-up.
  3. (en)An exhibition of cowboy skills an enclosure for cattle that have been rounded up.
  4. (en)Freestyle Riding : A heel clicker with one hand holding the crossbar.
  5. (en)An exhibition of cowboy skills.
  6. (en)An enclosure for cattle that have been rounded up.
  7. (en)Rodeo.
  8. (en)Round-up.
  9. (en)This is a display of skill in 'bronco busting' and roping that began in the 1870s.
  10. Rodeo, sığır toplama, kovboyların yetenek gösterisi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

rodeocurodeoroderode roughshod overrodenrodensiyarodent
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