realist ne demek?

  1. Gerçekçi

    Kukla oyunu realist bir yansıtma değil.

    H. Taner
  2. Fr. Fls: Hakikatçı. Nefs-ül emre uygun düşünen. Realizm taraftarı.
  3. (en)Philosopher who believes that universals are real and exist independently of anyone thinking of them a painter who represents the world realistically and not in an idealized or romantic style a person who accepts the world as it literally is and deals with it accordingly.
  4. (en)Naive realist is a person who believes that what you see is what you get Scientific realists believe that the laws of science are external to and independant of mind.
  5. (en)One who is devoted to what is real rather than imaginary.
  6. (en)One who seeks to recognize, understand, and acknowledge natural laws and their invincibility to violation.
  7. (en)Philosopher who believes that universals are real and exist independently of anyone thinking of them.
  8. (en)Person who accepts the world as it literally is and deals with it accordingly.
  9. (en)Painter who represents the world realistically and not in an idealized or romantic style.
  10. (en)Realistic.
  11. (en)An artist or writer who aims at realism in his work.
  12. (en)Realist.
  13. (en)Designation for an agent or broker who is a member of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers.
  14. (en)See Realism,.
  15. Gerçekçi, realist
  16. Gerçekçi kimse, realist.


  1. Gerçeği gören ve ona göre davranan veya gerçeğe uygun olarak yapılan, realist
  2. Gerçekçilik yanlısı olan, realist
  3. (en)Realist.
  4. (en)Realistic.
  5. (en)Down-to-earth.
  6. (en)Exact.
  7. (en)Hard-headed.
  8. (en)Literal.
  9. (en)Matter-of-fact.
  10. (en)Practical.

realist kimse

  1. (en)Realist.

realist tiyatro

  1. Olayları, kişileri gerçekçi bir görüşle ele alan tiyatro türü. XIX. yüzyılın ortasından bu yana güç kazanmıştır. Karakterler, psikolojik bir doğrulukla incelenir. Konuşma düzeni, belli bir mantık gelişimi içindedir. Konu, doğrudan doğruya hayattan alınır. İlk gerçekçiler Almanya'da: Büchner. Fransa'da: Dumas Fils.
  2. (en)Realistic theatre.
  3. (fr)Théâtre realiste

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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