propagandise ne demek?

  1. İng., bak. propagandize.


  1. Tanıtıcı
  2. Ürün tanıtan
  3. (en)Person who devotes himself to the spread of any system of principles.
  4. (en)Person who disseminates messages calculated to assist some cause or some government of or relating to or characterized by propaganda.
  5. (en)Person who disseminates messages calculated to assist some cause or some government.
  6. (en)Of or relating to or characterized by propaganda.
  7. Propagandacı


  1. Propaganda amaçlı

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

propagandistpropagandisticpropagandizepropagandizingpropagandapropaganda amaçlıpropaganda filmpropaganda filmipropaganda izlencesi
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