portal to portal pay ne demek?

  1. Saat ücreti ile ödeme, işyerinde kalınan süreye göre ödenen para


  1. Ana kapı.
  2. Sadece bir konuda yoğunlaşmış bilgilerin yer aldığı Genel Ağ sayfası.
  3. (en)Of or pertaining to a porta, especially the porta of the liver; as, the portal vein, which enters the liver at the porta, and divides into capillaries after the manner of an artery.
  4. (en)Grand and imposing entrance ; 'the portals of the cathedral'; 'the portals of heaven'; 'the portals of success' A young hog; a pig.
  5. (en)Grand and imposing entrance ; 'the portals of the cathedral'; 'the portals of heaven'; 'the portals of success'.
  6. (en)Site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the internet; 'a portal typically has search engines and free email and chat rooms etc.
  7. (en)Short vein that carries blood into the liver.
  8. (en)Door or gate; hence, a way of entrance or exit, especially one that is grand and imposing.
  9. (en)The lesser gate, where there are two of different dimensions.
  10. (en)Formerly, a small square corner in a room separated from the rest of the apartment by wainscoting, forming a short passage to another apartment.

portal bölge

  1. Karaciğer lopçuklarının arasındaki bağ dokudan oluşan ve arterya interlobulares, vena interlobulares ve duktus interlobularesin bulunduğu bölge, karaciğer üçlüsü.
  2. (en)Trias hepatica.


  1. -e
  2. -e doğru, yönüne doğru, tarafına
  3. Ile
  4. -e kadar, -e değin, derecesine kadar
  5. -e dair
  6. -e nazaran, -e nispetle
  7. -e göre
  8. Hakkında, için
  9. Mak, mek (mastar edatı).
  10. -e dogru


  1. Ana kapı.
  2. Sadece bir konuda yoğunlaşmış bilgilerin yer aldığı Genel Ağ sayfası.
  3. (en)Of or pertaining to a porta, especially the porta of the liver; as, the portal vein, which enters the liver at the porta, and divides into capillaries after the manner of an artery.
  4. (en)Grand and imposing entrance ; 'the portals of the cathedral'; 'the portals of heaven'; 'the portals of success' A young hog; a pig.
  5. (en)Grand and imposing entrance ; 'the portals of the cathedral'; 'the portals of heaven'; 'the portals of success'.
  6. (en)Site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the internet; 'a portal typically has search engines and free email and chat rooms etc.
  7. (en)Short vein that carries blood into the liver.
  8. (en)Door or gate; hence, a way of entrance or exit, especially one that is grand and imposing.
  9. (en)The lesser gate, where there are two of different dimensions.
  10. (en)Formerly, a small square corner in a room separated from the rest of the apartment by wainscoting, forming a short passage to another apartment.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

portalportal bölgeportal bracingportal dolaşımportal hipertansiyonportal hypertensionportal obstructionportal obstrüksiyonportal of entryportal veinportaporta hepatisporta tanesiportabilityportabletoto a callto a certain degreeto a conversationto a crumbto a dayto a degreeto a distanceto a faultto a great extenttt 1t 3T antijenleriT bağımlı antijen
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