polyester base ne demek?

  1. Polyester taban


  1. Tahta üzerine sürüldüğünde koruyucu, parlak bir katman oluşturan poliasidin doymamış alkollere veya glikollere etkimesiyle elde edilen kimyasal madde.
  2. Genellikle bir polihidrik alkol ile bir polibazik asitten elde edilen, sinema ve televizyonda mıknatıslı kuşak ve film tabanlarının yapılmasında kullanılan polimer.
  3. (en)Polyester.
  4. (en)Any of a large class of synthetic fabrics a complex ester used for making fibers or resins or plastics or as a plasticizer any of numerous synthetic resins; they are light and strong and weather resistant.
  5. (en)Manufactured fiber introduced in the early 1950s, and is second only to cotton in worldwide use Polyester has high strength , excellent resiliency, and high abrasion resistance Low absorbency allows the fiber to dry quickly.
  6. (en)The common name for the plastic polyethylene terephthalate Its characteristics include transparency, lack of colour, high tensile strength, and chemical stability Used in sheet or film form to make folders, encapsulations, and book jackets Trade names include Mylar and Melinex Used in web form to support paper during wet treatments, and as a relatively nonstick surface through which moisture can pass during mending, drying etc.
  7. (en)Manufactured fiber It is second only to cotton in worldwide use Polyester has high strength, excellent resiliency, and high abrasion resistance Low absorbency allows the fiber to dry quickly.
  8. (en)Manufactured fiber which has high strength, excellent resiliency, and high abrasion resistance Low absorbency allows the fiber to dry quickly.
  9. (en)Plastic generally considered safe by ISO for use as a storage enclosure for photographs However, many of these plastics are treated with thin coatings to modify their chemical and surface properties, so polyester products should still pass the PAT.
  10. (en)There are many types of polyester resins, and they are manufactured by reacting together two basic raw materials These are dicarboxylic acid and a dihydroxy alcohol Polyesters are used in one and two-part systems for coatings and molding compound The manufacture of Dacron is well-known for polyester fiber.

polyester film

  1. Tabanı polyesterden olan film.
  2. (en)Polyester film.
  3. (al)Polyesterfilm
  4. (fr)Film polyester

polyester taban

  1. Polyesterden yapılma ince, dayanıklı taban çeşidi.
  2. (en)Polyester base.
  3. (al)Polyester-Schichtträger
  4. (fr)Support polyester


  1. Temel, esas.
  2. Üs.
  3. Baz
  4. Taban, dip.
  5. Kök
  6. (en)Basset.
  7. Dayandırmak, kurmak, tesis etmek
  8. Kaide.
  9. Dayanak
  10. Sap dibi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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