paper registration ne demek?

  1. Kagit ayarlama


  1. Kâğıt
  2. Kâğıt tabakası
  3. Senet, hüccet, bono
  4. Kâğıt para, bankınot
  5. Gazete
  6. Herhangi bir yazı
  7. Deste (iğne)
  8. Duvar kâğıdı
  9. (argo) paso
  10. Tez, tebliğ

paper bag

  1. Kesekağıdı


  1. Kaydolma
  2. Taahhütlü gönderme
  3. Kayıt, tescil.
  4. Kaydetme

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

paperpaper bagpaper blockadepaper boardpaper boxpaper boypaper chromatographypaper clippaper condenserpaper craftpapeeta fruitpapelpapelcipapelcilikPapenheim boyama yöntemiregistrationregistration agent of markregistration and admissionregistration certificateregistration durationregistration expensesregistration feeregistration formregistration numberregistration of copyright claimsregistrantregistrarregistrar in bankruptcy
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