pantechnicon van ne demek?

  1. Ev taşıma kamyonu


  1. Evin iç düzeni, eşyası vb.
  2. Yalnız bir ailenin oturabileceği biçimde yapılmış yapı.
  3. Bir kimsenin veya ailenin içinde yaşadığı yer, konut, hane
  4. Aile.
  5. Soy, nesil.
  6. (Mimarlık) İçinde oturup barınılacak yapı.
  7. (en)Domestic.
  8. (en)House.
  9. (en)Household.
  10. (en)Home.


  1. Mobilyacı, ev taşıma kamyonu
  2. Her türlü eşya satılan mağaza
  3. Eşya taşımaya mahsus yük arabası veya kamyon.


  1. (en)Pantheism.


  1. (en)To fan, or to cleanse by fanning; to winnow.
  2. (en)Truck with an enclosed cargo space a camper equipped with living quarters.
  3. (en)Any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field.
  4. (en)The leading units moving at the head of an army.
  5. (en)Camper equipped with living quarters.
  6. (en)Truck with an enclosed cargo space.
  7. (en)Value-added Network.
  8. (en)Value added network VAN services provide shared, private messaging networks for supporting EDI applications.
  9. (en)Movers call all types and kinds of trucks used for moving 'vans' A van can be as small as a small econoline pack van or as large as a long tractor-trailer.
  10. (en)Land Rover fitted with windowless rear roofsides These are quite common in Britain since tax codes there charge much higher rates on vehicles with rear side windows see also Blindside.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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