pale or light color ne demek?

  1. Pastel


  1. Resim yapmakta kullanılan renkli boya kalemi
  2. Böyle kalemlerle yapılan resim.
  3. Soluk (renk).
  4. (en)[Spanish] cake; pie.
  5. (en)Pastel is basically a pigment presented in a stick form and held together by an extremely weak binding medium that is ineffective once the pastel has been applied The pigment relies on being embedded in the surface of the ground and on static and frictional forces to keep it in place In the pastel technique, light is reflected from the surface of the pigment and therefore offers a bright, but light, colour value Pastels are essentially a drawing medium In pastel painting, the colour is rubbed, blended smeared and scraped back in various ways that resemble true painting, or it can be applied from the pastel stick in lines and blocked areas Pastels are often employed in mixed media techniques in conjunction with drawing and painting materials The term also refers to a work of art in pastel, and a light and subdued shade of a colour.
  6. (en)Any of various pale or light colors.
  7. (en)Lacking in body or vigor; 'faded pastel charms of the naive music'.
  8. (en)Delicate and pale in color; 'pastel pink'.
  9. (en)Pastel.
  10. (en)Crayon made of a paste composed of a color ground with gum water.


  1. Sınırlandırmak
  2. Kazık çakmak, kazığa oturtmak
  3. Soluk, solgun
  4. Sivri uçlu kazık, parmaklık çubuğu
  5. Etrafı parmaklık veya çitle çevrilmiş yer
  6. Belirli kimselerin oturmasına tahsis edilmiş mıntıka
  7. Hudut, sınır
  8. Solmak, rengi atmak, rengi solmak, sönük kalmak, soldurmak
  9. Yetki
  10. Sınırlandırılmış herhangi bir şey

pale açisi

  1. (en)Blade angle


  1. Hlk. Kırmızıyla sarı arasında bir at donu.
  2. Bağlaç yahut, veya
  3. Yoksa
  4. Altın sarısı
  5. Oregon.


  1. Işık, aydınlık, ziya, nur
  2. Aydınlatmak, ışık vermek
  3. Işık veren şey
  4. (-ed veya -lit) konmak
  5. Inmek (at veya arabadan)
  6. Hafif
  7. Eksik
  8. Dünyaya ışık saçan kimse
  9. Parıldamak, ışık salmak
  10. Ehemmiyetsiz, önemsiz

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

palepale açisipale beforepale besidepale burulmasipale complexionedpale greenpale inpale pinkpale rock sparrowpalpal renk işlemipal systempal uppal up withoror elseor embraceor endor gateor notor operationor patternor receivesor sooo henryo ağır yaralıo anda söylemeko anda uydurmak
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