one off ne demek?

  1. Bir kereye mahsus, bir seferlik.

one of

  1. -in biri

one of a kind

  1. EşŸsiz, onun neslinde tek olan, türünün tek örneğŸi, ona benzeyen başŸka kimse yok


  1. Kapalı
  2. (edat) uzağa
  3. Ileriye, ileride
  4. Öteye, ötede
  5. Yanda
  6. Tamamen
  7. Uzakta
  8. Uzak
  9. Yanlış
  10. Uygun olmayan, anormal

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

one ofone of a kindone of a pairone of his redeeming featuresone of numerousone a pieceone act playone addressone address instructiononeone adult and two children pleaseone adult and two children, pleaseone after anotherone after the otheronon a charge of murderon a daily basison a full stomachon a givenoffoff and onoff baseoff boardoff centeroff chanceoff coloroff colouroff course correctionoff dayofof a certain ageof a certain lengthof a certain qualityof a collapse
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