moral corruption ne demek?

  1. Ahlaki bozukluk


  1. Ahlaka uygun, ahlakla ilgili
  2. Bk. aktöresel
  3. (en)Moral.
  4. (en)Moralistic.
  5. (en)Ethical.


  1. Bir insanın ruhsal gücü, manevi güç, yürek gücü, maneviyat.
  2. Bk. gönülgücü
  3. (en)To moralize.
  4. (en)Esprit de corps.
  5. (en)Morality.
  6. (en)Morale , morality , morals.
  7. (en)To morals or ethics; 'moral philosophy'.
  8. (en)Arising from the sense of right and wrong; 'a moral obligation'.
  9. (en)Based on strong likelihood or firm conviction rather than actual evidence; 'a moral certainty'.
  10. (en)Relating to, dealing with, or capable of making the distinction between right and wrong in conduct.

moral action

  1. Ahlaki eylem


  1. Bozulma
  2. Rüşvetçilik, rüşvet
  3. Ahlaksızlık
  4. Yozlaştırma
  5. Fesat
  6. Bozma, çürüme

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

moralmoral actionmoral beliefmoral bozucumoral bozukluğumoral classificationmoral codemoral çöküntüsümoral defeatmoral dispositionmoramora benzermora boyamakmora boyanmış bezmora çalancorruptioncorruption bloodcorruption of bloodcorruptionistcorruptibilitycorruptiblecorruptiblenesscorruptiblycorruptingcorruptcorrupt intentcorrupt practicescorruptedcorrupted dll
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