modernization ne demek?

  1. [modernization (Amer.) ] yenileştirme
  2. YenileşŸtirme


  1. Modernleşmek.
  2. (en)Rearmament.


  1. Yenileştirilmiş, modern, çağcıl duruma getirilmiş.
  2. (en)To render modern; to adapt to modern person or things; to cause to conform to recent or present usage or taste.
  3. (en)Become technologically advanced; 'Many countries in Asia are now developing at a very fast pace'; 'Viet Nam is modernizing rapidly'.
  4. (en)Make repairs or adjustments to; 'You should overhaul your car engine'.
  5. Modernleştirmek
  6. Modernize etmek, yenilemek

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

modernizasyonmodernizemodernize etmekmodernize tomodernizm
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