modernistic ne demek?

  1. Sözümona modern.


  1. (küçümsenen şeyler için) güya, sanki.
  2. (en)So-called, supposed, would-be, alleged, self styled.


  1. Modernizm yanlısı kimse.
  2. (en)Modernist.
  3. (en)One who admires the moderns, or their ways and fashions.
  4. (en)An advocate of the teaching of modern subjects, as modern languages, in preference to the ancient classics.
  5. (en)An artist who makes a deliberate break with previous styles of or relating to modernism; 'modernist paintings'.
  6. (en)An artist who makes a deliberate break with previous styles.
  7. (en)Of or relating to modernism; 'modernist paintings'.
  8. Yenilikçi


  1. Çağdaşlaşma
  2. Bkz. modernizasyon
  3. Modernleşme
  4. Çağa ayak uydurma

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