mink coat ne demek?

  1. Vizon kürk


  1. Sansargillerden, kürkü çok beğenilen bir memeli türü, mink (Mustela vison).
  2. Bu hayvanın kürkünden yapılmış olan.
  3. Bk. Amerikavizonu
  4. (en)Mink.
  5. (en)Mink mink.

mink mink

  1. Vizon


  1. Vizon.
  2. Vizon (Mustela vison) için Amerika' da kullanılan bir ad.
  3. (en)Carnivorous mammal of the genus Putorius, allied to the weasel.
  4. (en)The European mink is Putorius lutreola.
  5. (en)The common American mink varies from yellowish brown to black.
  6. (en)Its fur is highly valued.
  7. (en)Mink.
  8. (en)Missouri-Iowa-Nebraska-Kansas A very detailed and comprehensive regional study of potential climate change impacts and adjustments in the four state region of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas The MINK study focused primarily on four sectors--agriculature, forestry, water resources, and energy The study was led by Resources for the Future in collaboration with Pacific Northwest Laboratory , Oak Ridge National Laboratory , and Sima Xi.
  9. (en)Called also minx, nurik, and vison.
  10. (en)Slender-bodied semiaquatic mammal having partially webbed feet; valued for its fur fur coat made from the soft lustrous fur of minks the expensive fur of a mink.


  1. Bir organ veya oluşumu, zar şeklinde dıştan saran tabaka
  2. Kaplamak, örtmek, sarmak, sürmek
  3. Palto, ceket
  4. Kat, tabaka
  5. Dış örtü

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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