midi processor ne demek?

  1. Midi işaretleri üzerindeki her türlü bilgiye ayrı ayrı erişebilen, değiştirebilen, midi kanallarını arttırabilen kendi mikro işlemcisine sahip ünite.


  1. Orta.
  2. (en)The south of France used of women's clothing having a hemline at mid-calf; 'midiskirts'; 'wore her dresses midi length'.
  3. (en)Musical Instrument Digital Interface, an industry-standard interface used on electronic musical keyboards and PCs for computer control of musical instruments and devices.
  4. (en)Musical Instrument Digital Interface A standard for connecting electronic musical instruments to a computer and storing musical DATA.
  5. (en)Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
  6. (en)Musical Instrument Digital Interface A standard protocol for communication between electronic musical instruments and computers.
  7. (en)Musical Instrument Digital Interface; enables a computer to control devices, such as synthesizers and sound cards, that emit music Computers with a MIDI interface can record sounds created by a synthesizer and then manipulate the data to create new sounds A variety of programs are available for composing and editing music conforming to the MIDI standard.
  8. (en)Musical Instrument Digital Interface -- part of most multimedia systems Using MIDI software, you can play on a MIDI keyboard and record the music in a file.
  9. (en)For 'Musical Instrument Digital Interface,' the wiring and message protocol that allows musical instruments and other devices to communicate.
  10. (en)Musical Instrument Digital Interface A standard which allows for the exchange of data between two music synthesizers or a synthesizer and a computer Sound data may be communicated from the synthesizer to the computer and stored as a MIDI file Or, a MIDI file can be transmitted to the synthesizer for playback.

midi etek

  1. Diz kapağını örten veya diz kapağından üç dört santim kadar aşağı inebilen etek.


  1. Dijital sinyaller yoluyla çalışan bir çok efekt devresini aynı anda bünyesinde barındıran cihaz.
  2. IşŸleyici, işŸlemci [bilg.], tamamlayıcı

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

midimidi etekmidi patch baymidibüsmidibüsçümididmididinmidillimidilli adasımidinettemidmid midmid airmid aprilmid augustprocessorprocessor affinityprocessor boundprocessor status wordprocessor unitprocessorsprocessprocess air conditioningprocess analysisprocess annealingprocess boundproces verbalprocede unitaire alm. grundprozessproceduralprocedural languageprocedural securityprocedure
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