mexican revolutionary leader ne demek?

  1. Villa


  1. Yazlıkta veya şehir dışında, bahçeli, müstakil ev
  2. (en)Country seat; a country or suburban residence of some pretensions to elegance.
  3. (en)Pretentious and luxurious country residence with extensive grounds country house in ancient Rome consisting of residential quarters and farm buildings around a courtyard detached or semi-detached suburban house Mexican revolutionary leader.
  4. (en)Expensive detached house with a garden.
  5. (en)Country box.
  6. (en)Mexican revolutionary leader.
  7. (en)Detached or semi-detached suburban house.
  8. (en)Country house in ancient Rome consisting of residential quarters and farm buildings around a courtyard.
  9. (en)Pretentious and luxurious country residence with extensive grounds.
  10. (en)It A country-home Sometimes used in the hotel industry to describe a small, separate suite or cottage.


  1. Meksikalı

mexican bedbug

  1. Meksika tahtakurusu


  1. Devrim kabilinden
  2. İhtilalci
  3. Devrimci veya inkılâpçı kimse
  4. İhtilalci kimse
  5. Devrimci, inkılapçı


  1. Müşteri çeken ucuz mal
  2. Rehber, kılavuz
  3. Önder, lider
  4. Bando veya koro şefi
  5. Orkestrada birinci keman, solo kemancı
  6. En öne koşulmuş at
  7. Gazetede başmakale
  8. Gözü belirli bir yere çekmek için konulan bir sıra nokta
  9. Baş, reis

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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