mano ne demek?

  1. Kumar oynatan kişinin kazançtan aldığı pay.
  2. (en)Hand-held stone, often granitic, used with a metate to grind dried corn or other plant foods.
  3. (en)From the Spanish la mano , a loaf-shaped handstone used for grinding seeds, pigments, and so forth, on a metate or millingstone.
  4. (en)[Spanish for hand] Grinding stone A hand-held stone used to grind grain, nuts and seeds on the larger metate.
  5. (en)Flat groundstone tool used in association with a metate for grinding things such as nuts, berries, corn, and rock A mano is held in the hand and pressed against a metate with the material to be ground located between the two The Spanish word for 'hand' Back.
  6. (en)Mind', is in the Abhidhamma used as a synonym of vinnana and citta.
  7. (en)MAH-noh a stone used with a metate for grinding.
  8. (en)Hand.
  9. (en)The muller, or crushing and grinding stone, used in grinding corn on a metate.
  10. (en)Stone with a flat side that was primarily used to grind edible substances, typically corn, grains and nut meats.
  11. (en)Shaped, hand-held stone used to grind grains, nuts, seeds, and mineral pigments by moving it back and forth on a metate.
  12. (en)Hand held stone used to grind nuts, seeds, or grain against a metate.
  13. (en)Piece of volcanic rock used with both hands to grind food against another rock Means hand.


  1. Tedbir
  2. Manevra

manoeuver to

  1. manevra yapmak

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