lignin ne demek?

  1. Bitkide kök ve gövdenin sert ve odunsu yapısını oluşturan madde.
  2. Damarlı bitkilerde hücre duvarlarını sertleştirici, suda çözünmeyen, kompleks fenilpropanoyit polimeri.
  3. Bitkinin lif kısımları etrafını sararak onları sabitleştiren , suda çözünmeyen, dioksanda çözünen, bitki cinsine bağlı olarak OMe gruplarına sahip olan sert odunda çok, yumuşak odunda az miktarda bulunan pek çok bitki lifinin orta kısmını oluşturan, amorf ve yüksek polimerleşme ürününe verilen ad.
  4. Hücre duvarının yapısına giren ve selülozla kompleks oluşturan, temel yapı taşı fenilpropan türevleri olan sinapin ve koniferil alkoller.
  5. Odun özü denilen su geçirmez madde.
  6. (en)Substance characterizing wood cells and differing from cellulose in its conduct with certain chemical reagents.
  7. (en)Complex polymer; the chief non-carbohydrate constituent of wood; binds to cellulose fibers to harden and strengthen cell walls of plants.
  8. (en)Component of the cell walls of plants, along with cellulose Lignin is largely responsible for the strength and rigidity of plants, but its presence in paper and board is believed to contribute to chemical degradation There can be large amounts of lignin present in pulp made form wood It is not removed in the production of mechanical pulp, but using chemical processes, it can be optimally removed.
  9. (en)Hard substance embedded in the cellulose of plant cell walls that provides support.
  10. (en)Chemically complex substance found in many plants that bonds the cellulose fibers Lignin can be largely removed during pulping, but the cost of low-lignin papers is higher than than that of high-lignin or groundwood papers Lignin is believed to contribute to the degradation of both papers and photographs.
  11. (en)Organic substances which act as binders for the cellulose fibers in wood and certain plants, and adds strength and stiffness to the cell walls Chemical structure of lignin is composed of a polymer of high carbon content but distinct from the carbonates Consists of C6,C3 units.
  12. (en)Lignin is a major component of the cell wall of certain plant materials, such as wood, hulls, straws, and over-ripe hays This fraction is essentially indigestible by all animals and is the substance that limits the availability of cellulose carbohydrates in the plant cell wall to rumen bacteria.
  13. (en)Stiffening substance that is the most abundant polymer in plant cell walls after CELLULOSE.
  14. (en)An amorphous polymer related to cellulose that cements cell walls, helping them stay rigid Lignin is highly resistant to decomposition.
  15. (en)Substance in trees that holds cellulose fibres together Free sheet has most lignin removed; groundwood paper contains lignin.
  16. (en)The organic substance that holds together the individual fibers of wood.
  17. (en)Hard material is cellulose plant cell walls used for support in terrestrial plants.
  18. (en)Lignin.
  19. (en)Component of the cell walls of plants, along with cellulose Lignin is largely responsible for the strength and rigidity of plants, but its presence in paper and board is believed to contribute to chemical degradation There can be large amounts of lignin present in pulp made from wood It is not removed in the production of mechanical pulp, but it can be removed almost completely in chemical papermaking processes.
  20. (en)Lignin is a substance related to cellulose that provides rigidity and together with cellulose forms the woody cell walls of plants and the cementing material between them.
  21. (en)Component of the cell walls of plants that occurs naturally, along with cellulose Lignin is largely responsible for the strength and rigidity of plants, but its presence in paper is believed to contribute to chemical degradation To a large extent, Lignin can be removed during manufacturing.
  22. (en)An amorphous polymer related to cellulose that together with cellulose forms the cell walls of woody plants and acts as the bonding agent between cells.
  23. (en)Component of the cell walls of plants that occurs naturally, along with cellulose Lignin is largely responsible for the strength and rigidity of plants, but its presence in paper and board is believed to contribute to chemical degradation It can be, to a large extent, removed during manufacture No standards exist for the term 'lignin-free' and additional research is needed to determine the precise role of lignin in the durability and permanence of paper.
  24. (en)The noncarbohydrate portion of the cell wall of plants It is removed from wood fiber during the pulp manufacturing process, leaving cellulose for papermaking Lignin by-products have found important uses as dispersing agents, oil well drilling mud additives and as a commercial source of vanillin.
  25. (en)Compound contained in the woody cell walls of trees which gives paper a brown color It is usually removed from wood pulp for fine or bleached paper products.
  26. (en)Complex constituent of the wood that cement the cellulose fibers together.
  27. (en)Compound that 'glues' cellulose fibers together in trees Lignin adds opacity to papers, but it also reduces brightness and whiteness.
  28. (en)Substance in trees that holds cellulose fibers together Free sheet has most lignin removed; groundwood paper contains lignin.
  29. (en)Natural adhesive which binds wood fibres together in the tree and imparts rigidity Pulp brightness depends on the amount of lignin remaining in the pulp.
  30. (en)Phenolic compounds impregnating and strengthening cell walls Xylem cells and fibers are typically lignified but other cells in the stele or cortex can also be lignified.
  31. (en)In wood anatomy, as distinguished from cellulose the second most abundant constituent of wood, located principally in the middle lamella, which is the thin, cementing layer between the wood cells.
  32. (en)Complex woody polymers found in vascular plants.
  33. (al)Lignin
  34. (fr)Lignin
  35. (fr)Lignine
  36. Lignin
  37. (la)Lignum: odun

lignin sülfonat

  1. Odunun veya abaca veya kenevirin sülfatla muamelesinden elde edilen, su oranı yaş formda kütle olarak % 50'yi, kuru formda kütlece % 6'yi aşmayan kullanılmış sülfit likörünün amonyum, kalsiyum, magnezyum veya sodyum tuzlarından biri veya bunların birleşimi.
  2. (en)Lignine sulfonate.

lignine sulfonate

  1. Lignin sülfonat

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

lignin sülfonatlignine sulfonatelignicolouslignificationlignifiedlignifylignikollignac hastalığılignaloesligneousligligaliga camadanligadoraligadura
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