komi ne demek?

  1. Otel, pansiyon vb. yerlerde çalışan hizmetli.
  2. Lokantalarda garson yardımcısı.
  3. (en)Bus boy.
  4. (en)Footboy.
  5. (en)Pageboy.
  6. (en)Page.
  7. (en)Busboy.
  8. (en)Bellboy bellhop.
  9. (en)Button boy.
  10. (en)Number of points given to the second player at the end of a game to compensate for the first player's advantage Usually between 5 5 and 8 points.
  11. (en)The number of points subtracted at the end of the game to compensate for that player having the first move.
  12. (en)Drive into.
  13. (en)Member of a Finnish people living in the northwestern Urals in Russia.
  14. (en)The Finnic language spoken by the Komi people.
  15. (en)Bellboy.
  16. (en)The Finnic language spoken by the Komi people a member of a Finnish people living in the northwestern Urals in Russia.
  17. (en)Points' allowance give to White in a even ggame to compensate Black for having the first move.
  18. (en)Komia.


  1. Komi


  1. (en)Nightstand.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

komiakomidinkomiforakomiğine gitmekkomikkomik artistkomik biçimdekomik bulmakkomik danskomik derecede hassaslıkkomkomakomadakomada olma halikomada olmak
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