kantor ne demek?

  1. (en)Cantor, synagogue official who conducts the liturgical part of a service; conductor of a church choir; precentor, leader or a choir, conductor of a choral group; leader in prayer, one who begins prayer services for a congregation.


  1. Bk. erboğa

kantorovich polinomları

  1. (en)Kantorovich polynomials.
  2. (fr)Polinome de Kantorovich

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

kantoriskantorovich polinomlarıkantorovich polynomialskantokantocukantoculukkantonkanton lehçesikantkant felsefesi ile ilgilikant felsefesi taraftarıkant felsefesi yanlısıkant laplace teorisikankan adacığıkan ağlamakkan akçasıkan akçesi
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