japanese kimono ne demek?

  1. Japon kimonosu, erkek ve kadınlar tarafından giyilen geleneksel Japon giysisi

japanese kabuki

  1. Japon Kabukisi, tüm rolerin erkek oyuncular tarafından oynandığŸı Japon halk tiyatrosu

japanese black calf cardiomyopathy

  1. Japonya siyah buzağılarının kardiomiyopatisi


  1. Japonların önden çapraz olarak kavuşan uzun ve geniş kollu ulusal giysisi.
  2. Geniş kollu sabahlık.
  3. (en)Kimono.
  4. (en)Kind of loose robe or gown tied with a sash, worn as an outer garment by Japanese men and women.
  5. (en)Long robe with wide sleeves traditionally worn with a broad sash as an outer garment by the Japanese; a loose dressing gown or jacket.
  6. (en)Long robe with wide sleeves traditionally worn with a broad sash.
  7. (en)Japanese coat like garment, Obi sash belted with long wide rectangular sleeves Fabrics used are often luxurious and highly decorated examples.
  8. (en)Similar gown worn as a dressing gown by women of Western nations.
  9. (en)Loose robe; imitated from robes originally worn by Japanese.
  10. (en)The undergarment worn beneath robes.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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