instant coffee ne demek?

  1. Sıcak suyla yapılan kahve
  2. Çabuk kahve

instant meal

  1. Pratik yemek

instant pizza

  1. Çabuk pizza


  1. Kahve
  2. Kahvehane
  3. Kahverengi
  4. Kahve ağacı

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

instant mealinstant pizzainstantinstantaneityinstantaneousinstantaneous automatic gain controlinstantaneous blasting capinstantaneous centreinstantaneous currentinstantaneous frequencyinstanceinstancesinstancyinstansinstabil halinstabil mürekkepinstabiliteinstabilityinstablecoffeecoffee and smoking salooncoffee barcoffee beancoffee beanscoffee breakcoffee cakecoffee cancoffee capuccinocoffee cupcoffeacofactorcofactor expansioncofactor of a forward pathcofbrest
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