im afraid it cant be fixed ne demek?

  1. Üzgünüm bu tamir edilemez. (Yazılışı: i'm afraid it can't be fixed)


  1. İşaret.
  2. Alamet.
  3. Artı, eksi, kökiki (karekök) +,-,(...), gibi işlemleri belirleyen biçimsel yazım,
  4. Bir yayın dizgesinde bilgi taşıyan elektrik akımı ya da radyo dalgası.
  5. Nh kökünü ifade eden ön ek.
  6. Hlk. İlaç.
  7. (en)Signal.
  8. (en)Or Instant Message - IM - Technology similar to that of chat rooms, which notifies a user when a friend is online, allowing them to 'converse' by exchanging text messages.
  9. (en)Pharmaceutical abbreviation, intramuscular.
  10. (en)Intramuscular.

im a businessman

  1. Ben işŸadamıyım., İşŸadamıyım. (Yazılışı: i'm a businessman)


  1. Korkmuş
  2. Ürkmüş
  3. Kaygılı
  4. Korkan


  1. Köpek
  2. Değersiz, terbiyesiz kimse
  3. (en)Bastard.
  4. (en)Information Technology.
  5. (en)Information Technology Former name of Information and Educational Technology.
  6. (en)Information Technology - see ICT.
  7. (en)Instructional Technology or Information Technology; ITC workshops that focus on networking and hardware mechanics.
  8. (en)Short for Information Technology, it is concerned with all aspects of managing and processing information.
  9. (en)Information Technology Sometimes used as a synonym for the computer professionals in an organization Also sometimes known as IS or DP.
  10. (en)Information Technology - a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

imim a businessmanim a businesswomanim a foreignerim addressim afraid this tie is too plainim afraid youre mistakenim allergicim allergic to antibioticsim allergic to penicillinii 0i accepti adore youi agreeafraidafraid for himafraid ofafraid of disturbancesafraid to wake upafraafra tafraafra tafra yapmakafr
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