hint tüccarı ne demek?

  1. (en)Banyan.

hint tütünü

  1. (en)Indian tobacco


  1. (en)Indian.
  2. (en)India.
  3. (en)Remote allusion; slight mention; intimation; insinuation; a suggestion or reminder, without a full declaration or explanation; also, an occasion or motive.
  4. (en)Slight indication an indirect suggestion; 'not a breath of scandal ever touched her' drop a hint; intimate by a hint.
  5. (en)An indirect suggestion; 'not a breath of scandal ever touched her'.
  6. (en)Slight indication.
  7. (en)Slight but appreciable addition; 'this dish could use a touch of garlic'.
  8. (en)Just detectable amount; 'he speaks French with a trace of an accent'.
  9. (en)An indication of potential opportunity; 'he got a tip on the stock market'; 'a good lead for a job'.
  10. (en)Drop a hint; intimate by a hint.


  1. Ticaret yapan, ticaretle uğraşan kimse, tacir
  2. Bk. yapımcı
  3. (Tacir. C.) Tacirler, satıcılar. Ticaret yapanlar.
  4. (en)Merchant.
  5. (en)Tradesman.
  6. (en)Trader.
  7. (en)Commercial man.
  8. (en)Dealer.
  9. (en)Monger.
  10. (en)Businessman.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

hint tütünühinthint ağırlık ölçüsüHint alaca levreğihint altınıhint arap rakamlarihint armuduhint athint avrupahint avrupa dilihint avrupa diliyle ilgilihinhinahinagerhinaljihinastüccartüccar kadıntüccar loncasıtüccar memurutüccar sınıfları
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