hicapsız ne demek?

  1. Utanmaz, sıkılmaz.


  1. Utanma, utanç, sıkılma
  2. Perde
  3. Acı, keder, onulmaz acı.
  4. Ayrılık.
  5. (en)Bashfulness.
  6. (en)Shame.
  7. (en)Embarassment.
  8. (en)WEST''s dedicated transport service designed to send large volumes of voice and/or data at 1 544 megabits per second or higher.
  9. (en)High capacity circuit.
  10. (en)Bell service that uses DS1 digital facilities to provide communications channels to BOC customers at 1 544 Mbps.

hicap duymak

  1. Utanmak. Hicap etmek.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

hicaphicap duymakhicaplıhicahicabhicab ı hacizhicabathicabaver
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