hişne ne demek?

  1. Kin tutmak.


  1. Öç almayı amaçlayan gizli düşmanlık, garaz
  2. Gizli düşmanlık. Garaz. Buğz. Adavet.
  3. (en)Diminutive suffix; as, manikin; lambkin.
  4. (en)Primitive Chinese instrument of the cittern kind, with from five to twenty-five silken strings.
  5. (en)Relationship, consanguinity, or affinity; connection by birth or marriage; kindred; near connection or alliance, as of those having common descent.
  6. (en)Relatives; persons of the same family or race.
  7. (en)Of the same nature or kind; kinder.
  8. (en)The word for the Sun Also one day in the Maya Calendar.
  9. (en)Kingfish.
  10. (en)Blood relatives.


  1. Hişt.


  1. Utanma, utanan.
  2. Kırmak.

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