gasp ones life out ne demek?

  1. Son nefesini vermek, ölmek
  2. Son nefesini vermek, ölmek (Yazılışı: gasp one's life out)


  1. Bir malı sahibinin izni ve haberi olmadan zorla alma.
  2. Bk. zorla alma
  3. (en)Seizure by violence.
  4. (en)Wrongful seizure.
  5. (en)The act of opening the mouth convulsively to catch the breath; a labored respiration; a painful catching of the breath.
  6. (en)Short labored intake of breath with the mouth open; 'she gave a gasp and fainted'.
  7. (en)Extortion.
  8. (en)Assumption.
  9. (en)Unauthorized assumption.
  10. (en)Deforcement.

gasp davası

  1. (en)Replevin.


  1. Bir tane, biri, birisi, kimse, tek
  2. Pron. birinin, nin: -nin


  1. Hayat, yaşam
  2. Hayatla ilgili, yaşamla ilgili

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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