first sale of the day ne demek?

  1. Siftah


  1. İlk alışveriş
  2. İlk kez olarak.
  3. (en)First sale.
  4. (en)For the first time.
  5. (en)First sale of the day.
  6. (en)Handsel.
  7. (en)Handsell.


  1. En büyük
  2. İlk, birinci, baş
  3. Başlangıç
  4. Baş yer, birincilik
  5. En tiz ses
  6. Birinci mal
  7. Ayın ilk günü
  8. Evvelâ, ilk önce, başta, en ileride
  9. İlk defa olarak
  10. Ondan evvel


  1. First International Bank of Israel, İsrail bankası


  1. Satış
  2. İndirim
  3. Açık artırma ile satış
  4. Talep, sürüm
  5. Yıllık, senelik
  6. Eğri hurma ağacı. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: sa'le)
  7. Satım, satma
  8. Satılış
  9. Talep, revaç
  10. Alışveriş


  1. Sıkıntı, bezginlik, usanç, acı, yorgunluk vb. duyguları belirten bir söz
  2. (en)Ugh!.
  3. (en)In a general sense, from, or out from; proceeding from; belonging to; relating to; concerning; used in a variety of applications; as: Denoting that from which anything proceeds; indicating origin, source, descent, and the like; as, he is of a race of kings; he is of noble blood.
  4. (en)Denoting possession or ownership, or the relation of subject to attribute; as, the apartment of the consul: the power of the king; a man of courage; the gate of heaven.
  5. (en)Denoting the material of which anything is composed, or that which it contains; as, a throne of gold; a sword of steel; a wreath of mist; a cup of water.
  6. (en)Oil filters.
  7. (en)Denoting part of an aggregate or whole; belonging to a number or quantity mentioned; out of; from amongst; as, of this little he had some to spare; some of the mines were unproductive; most of the company.
  8. (en)Prep w dat , from, out of, of, away from, contrary to, by.
  9. (en)Denoting that by which a person or thing is actuated or impelled; also, the source of a purpose or action; as, they went of their own will; no body can move of itself; he did it of necessity.
  10. (en)Optional Form Source: US EPA.

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