fed him lies ne demek?

  1. Yalanlarla besleyen, ona yalan söyleyen, onu kandıran, onu aldatan


  1. Kebap yapmak. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: fe'd)
  2. Feed.
  3. Beslemek, yedirmek, doyurmak, geçindirmek, bakmak, beslenmek, yemek yemek, otlatmak, otlamak

fed in data

  1. Bilgisayarı bilgi ile destekleyen, bir bilgisayara veri girişŸi yapan


  1. Huy, mizac, tabiat.
  2. Eril onu, ona.
  3. His veya Her Imperial Majesty.
  4. Onu, ona, o, kendi, kendine


  1. Notada duraklama zamanı ve bunu gösteren işaretin adı.
  2. (en)Rest.
  3. (en)Radioactive transuranic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons.
  4. (en)End System: A system where an ATM connection is terminated or initiated An originating end system initiates the ATM connection, and terminating end system terminates the ATM connection OAM cells may be generated and received.
  5. (en)Expert System.
  6. (en)System where an ATM connection is terminated or initiated An originating end-system initiates the ATM connection, and terminating end system terminates the ATM connection.
  7. (en)Employment Service: usually a branch of a state's employment security agency responsible for matching job-seekers with job orders placed with the agency through its substate offices.
  8. (en)Errored Second.
  9. (en)End system.
  10. (en)Fund investment strategy involving investment in companies for product development and initial marketing, manufacturing and sales activities.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

fedfed in datafed upfed up withfedafeda etmefeda etmekfeda olmakfeda olsunfedaıfefealtyfeamefearfear deathhimhimahimalhimalayahimalaya dağlarıhimalaya dağlarina aitHimalaya gri tavus kuşuHimalaya kedisiHimalaya Monal sülünühimalaya mountainshihi althi can i help youhi fihi how are you
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