faster ıdentification number ne demek?

  1. Fin


  1. Finlandiya halkından veya bu halkın soyundan olan kimse.
  2. Fin halkına özgü olan.
  3. Halkına özgü olan.
  4. (en)Fixed stabilizing surface, usually vertical, similar in purpose to a bilge keel on a ship.
  5. (en)Organ of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other aquatic animals a stabilizer that resembles the fins of a fish show the fins above the water while swimming; 'The sharks were finning near the surface' propel oneself through the water in a finning motion equip with fins.
  6. (en)The cardinal number that is the sum of four and one.
  7. (en)One of a pair of decorations projecting above the rear fenders of an automobile.
  8. (en)One of a set of parallel slats in a door or window to admit air and reject rain.
  9. (en)Shoe for swimming; the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming.
  10. (en)Stabilizer that resembles the fins of a fish.


  1. Hızlan
  2. Hızlan!

faster scan

  1. Daha hızlı tarama


  1. Sayı, rakam
  2. Numara
  3. Saymak
  4. Numaralamak, numara koymak
  5. Hesaplamak, sayı saymak
  6. Hesap etmek
  7. Ihtiva etmek
  8. Sayısını sınırlandırmak
  9. Adet, miktar
  10. Çokluk

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

fasterfaster scanfaster than allegrofaster thenfaster videofastenfasten downfasten onfasten ontofasten seat beltsfastfast actingfast and thicklyfast asleepfast atom bombardmentıdentification image
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