enseleme ne demek?

  1. Enselemek işi.


  1. Kaçan veya saklanan birini yakalamak
  2. (en)Seize by the neck.
  3. (en)Take smb.
  4. (en)By the scruff of the neck.
  5. (en)Catch.
  6. (en)Nick.
  7. (en)To seize.
  8. (en)To collar.
  9. (en)To seize by the neck.


  1. Kaçan veya saklanan birini yakalamak
  2. (en)Seize by the neck.
  3. (en)Take smb.
  4. (en)By the scruff of the neck.
  5. (en)Catch.
  6. (en)Nick.
  7. (en)To seize.
  8. (en)To collar.
  9. (en)To seize by the neck.


  1. (en)Form of enselemek) seize by the neck, take smb.
  2. (en)By the scruff of the neck, catch, nick, cop.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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