dua ne demek?

  1. Tanrı'ya yalvarma, yakarış için söylenen dinî metin
  2. Yakarış.

    Pazartesi, perşembe geceleri yatağında gizli gizli Arapça dua okurdu.

    A. Gündüz
  3. Kişinin Allah'ın yüce kudreti karşısında aczinin bilincine varıp engin bir sevgi ve saygı içinde O'na yalvarması, O'ndan yardım dilemesi.
  4. Bk. dinsel dilek
  5. Bk. doku uyuşurluk antijenleri
  6. Bk. yakarı
  7. Allah'a (C.C.) karşı rağbet, niyaz, yalvarış, tazarru.
  8. (en)Prayer.
  9. (en)Disaster Unemployment Assistance - Section 407 of the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 created a program for the payment of unemployment assistance to individuals whose unemployment is the direct result of a major disaster as declared by the President of the United States.
  10. (en)Disaster Unemployment Assistance - Section 407 of the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 created a program for the payment of unemployment assistance to unemployed individuals whose unemployment is the direct result of a major disaster as declared by the President of the United States.
  11. (en)Directory User Agent The software that accesses the X 500 Directory Service on behalf of the directory user The directory user may be a person or another software element.
  12. (en)Directory User Agents, when users wish to access a directory, they use directory user agents These agents directly represent the users in accessing the information stored in the Directory.
  13. (en)Directory User Agent The software that accesses the X 500 Directory Service on behalf of the directory user The directory user may be a person or another software element See RFC1208.
  14. (en)Directory User Agent.
  15. (en)Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
  16. (en)Supplication to Allah.
  17. (en)Prayer or supplication.
  18. (en)Devotions.
  19. (en)Blessing.
  20. (en)Invocation.
  21. (en)Orison.
  22. (en)Devotion.
  23. (en)Petition.
  24. (en)Prayer or invocation.
  25. (en)Agency A relationship in which a real estate agent or broker represents both parties in a transaction.
  26. (en)Directory User Agent Specified in the X 500 specification.
  27. (en)What.

dinsel dilek

  1. Yağlı güreşlerde ve karakucakta güreşlere başlamadan önce cazgırın okuduğu geleneksel dua.

dua cümleleri

  1. (en)Invocation

dua eden

  1. (en)Praying.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

dua cümleleridua edendua ederek yakarmakdua edilecek ölülerin listesidua edilen şeydua etmedua etmekdua etmeyendua ile defetmedua ile defetmekdu
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