deistler ne demek?

  1. XVII. ve XVIII. yüzyılda formel din kurallarını reddeden ve Tanrı'nın varlığının doğadan yola çıkılarak kanıtlanabileceğini savunan bir grup düşünüre verilen ad. Hz. İsa'nın tanrısallığından kuşku duymaları onları Ariusçuluğa ve Üniteryanizm'e sevk etmiştir.


  1. Deizm yanlısı, neden tanrıcı.
  2. (en)Person who believes in the existence of a remote, unknowable deity, usually male, who created the universe, but has not been involved with it since Most of the politicians who founded America were Deists.
  3. (en)Person whose worldview embraces Deism [noun] [OW] a philosophy of natural religion, emphasizing morality, and, usually, denying interference by a Creator with the laws of the universe Deism [CE] was a widely-held belief among the founding fathers of the U S A Thomas Paine [1736-1809] [IEP], [author of 'Age of Reason'] and Thomas Jefferson were Deists [Jefferson being a 'Christian Deist'] See also English Deism [IEP] and French Deism.
  4. (en)One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker.
  5. (en)Person who believes that God created the universe and then abandoned it.
  6. (en)One who believes that God created the universe but then left it alone to operate on its own principles, principles that human reason and science can discover.
  7. Deist, dinlere değŸil tanrıya inanan kimse


  1. Yüce bir varlığŸı mevcut olduğŸu bir inanç ile ilgili

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