dampersiz ne demek?

  1. Damperi olmayan.


  1. Bir şasinin üzerine takılmış, inip kalkan kasası olan, kendinden hareketli, yükü boşaltan düzen.
  2. Bk. hava kapağı
  3. (en)Tipping body.
  4. (en)Dump body.
  5. (en)That which damps or checks; as: A valve or movable plate in the flue or other part of a stove, furnace, etc., used to check or regulate the draught of air.
  6. (en)Contrivance, as in a pianoforte, to deaden vibrations; or, as in other pieces of mechanism, to check some action at a particular time.
  7. (en)Depressing restraint; 'rain put a damper on our picnic plans' a device that decreases the amplitude of electronic, mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations a movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace.
  8. (en)Movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace.
  9. (en)Device that decreases the amplitude of electronic, mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations.
  10. (en)Depressing restraint; 'rain put a damper on our picnic plans'.

damper block

  1. Perde makarasi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

damperdamper blockdamper in a fluedamper motorudamper pedaldampeddamped balancedamped oscillationdamped oscillationsdamped wave
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