dabble with ne demek?

  1. Ilgilen


  1. (en)[ilgilenmek] be interested in, look after, pay attention to, be into, care, take care of, concern oneself, deal, do, be hot for, nibble, nurse, see about, see after, see to, weigh in.

dabble agent

  1. Dabble agent, yarı zamanlı seyahat acentesi (Aşağılayıcı ifade)

dabble at

  1. Ilgilen


  1. İle birlikte
  2. Birlikte, beraber
  3. İle
  4. -den
  5. -e
  6. -e rağmen
  7. İle beraber
  8. Karşı
  9. Geri

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

dabble agentdabble atdabble indabbledabblerdabbdabbedabberdabbesüvardabbetül arzdabdab atdab handdabakdabak hastalığıwithwith a bad reputationwith a batterywith a beardwith a beautiful voicewith a bedwith a crackling noisewith a crackling soundwith a crunchwith a crunching noisewitwitanwitchwitch doctorwitch hazel
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