computer equipment ne demek?

  1. Kit


  1. Macun.
  2. Aygıt, araç.
  3. Bk. Kamu İktisadi Teşebbüsü
  4. (en)Group of separate parts, things, or individuals; used with whole, and generally contemptuously; as, the whole kit of them.
  5. (en)Young of any of various fur-bearing animals; 'a fox kit' gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose a case for containing a set of articles.
  6. (en)Case for containing a set of articles.
  7. (en)Gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose.
  8. (en)Young of any of various fur-bearing animals; 'a fox kit'.
  9. (en)Supply with a set of articles or tools.
  10. (en)Set of all the parts needed to turn a frame into a ready-to-ride bicycle See 'group.


  1. Bilgisayar; elektronik beyin
  2. Kompüter, hesap eden kimse
  3. Elektronik hesap makinası,elektronik beyin

computer abuse

  1. Bilgisayarın kötüye kullanımı


  1. Ekipman
  2. Doğuştan olan özellikler
  3. Donanım, teçhizat
  4. Araç gereç

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

computercomputer abusecomputer accessorycomputer addictcomputer aidedcomputer aided animationcomputer aided designcomputer aided educationcomputer aided engineeringcomputer aided instructioncomputecompute boundcompute modecompute tocomputedequipmentequipment makeequipment rackequipment shelfequipment trust certificateequipequip with finsequipageequipartitionequipartition of energy
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