cold feet ne demek?

  1. Korkaklık


  1. Korkak olma durumu
  2. Korkakça davranış.
  3. (en)Cowardice.
  4. (en)Timidity.
  5. (en)Cowardliness.
  6. (en)Fearfulness.
  7. (en)Cold feet.
  8. (en)Pantophobia.

cold facts

  1. Yalın gerçek

cold fish

  1. Soğuk kimse, frigo.


  1. (en)Body part located at the end of the leg; unit of length equal to 12 inches or 30.48 cm; bottom or lowest part of something (i.e.
  2. (en)Stairs, a table, a hill, a page, etc.); end of a bed where a person rests his/her feet; part of a sock or stocking covering a person's foot.
  3. Foot.
  4. Foot ölçüsü

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

cold factscold fishcold framecold frontcold front type occlusioncold deckcold shortcold abscesscold acid cleanercold agglutinincoldcold aglutinincold aglutinin diseasecold aircold air machinecolcol plasmidcol plazmidicol spacingcol widthfeetfeet close togetherfeet closedfeet karefeet numarasıfeet of clayfeetlessfeefee chargingfee descriptionfee faw fumfee for the night
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