coherent light ne demek?

  1. Koherent ışık


  1. Birbirine uygun ve bağlantılı.
  2. (en)Cohesive.

coherent oscillator

  1. Koherent osilatör

coherent precipitate

  1. Koherent çökelek


  1. Işık, aydınlık, ziya, nur
  2. Aydınlatmak, ışık vermek
  3. Işık veren şey
  4. (-ed veya -lit) konmak
  5. Inmek (at veya arabadan)
  6. Hafif
  7. Eksik
  8. Dünyaya ışık saçan kimse
  9. Parıldamak, ışık salmak
  10. Ehemmiyetsiz, önemsiz

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

coherent oscillatorcoherent precipitatecoherent precipitationcoherent receivercoherent scatteringcoherentcoherent signal detectioncoherent statescoherent system of units of measurementcoherent unit of measurementcoherencecoherence coherencycoherencycoherecoheircoheiresscoheirshipcohencohen sendromulightlight absorbinglight absorptionlight airlight alloylight alloy castinglight anemialight bafflelight beaconlight beamligligaliga camadanligadoraligadura
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