chick thing ne demek?

  1. Erkeklerin zıttı olarak kızların veya piliçlerin tipik özelliğŸi veya alışŸkanlığŸı

chick pea

  1. Nohut

chick peas

  1. Garbanzo fasulyesi, yenebilen bezelye benzeri tohumlar


  1. Şey
  2. Nesne
  3. Eşya, konu, yaratık, kimse
  4. Mevcudiyet
  5. Cansız şey veya madde
  6. Mahluk

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

chick peachick peaschick runchickchickabiddychickadeechickareechickasawchickenchicken breastchicchicagochicago bullschicago conventionchicago cubsthingthing in itselfthing nesnethingamabobthingamajigthingsthings are not always what they seemthings arent always what they seemthings didnt look goodthings entrusted for safekeepingthinthin airthin and smooth leafthin and weakthin bed
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