cetyl ne demek?

  1. Balina yağŸından çıkarılan alkol (Kimya)

cetyl alcohol

  1. Setil alkol


  1. Dede, büyük baba, ata
  2. Bk. Erzurum taşı (II)
  3. (en)Central Europe mean Time, it is the time of the first time zone, just eastward the zero time zone, 1 hour in advance on UTC time Italy adopts CET time since 1893.
  4. (en)Computer Engineering Technology.
  5. (en)Continuing Education and Training.
  6. (en)Cisco Encryption Technology.
  7. (en)Combat Engineer Tractor.
  8. (en)Ancestor.
  9. (en)Predecessor.
  10. (en)Forerunner.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

cetyl alcoholcetcet becetcetaceacetaceancetaceous
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