bopper ne demek?

  1. Bopçu, bop (bir caz müziğŸi biçimi) çalan müzisyen


  1. Poker oyununda, oyuna girmek için ortaya konması gereken en az miktar.
  2. Ortadaki miktar kadar oyuna katılma sözü.
  3. (en)Ante.
  4. (en)An early form of modern jazz dance the bebop.
  5. (en)See Businessowners policy.
  6. (en)Balance of Payments.
  7. (en)Broken Orange Pekoe - Full-bodied black tea comprising broken segments of somewhat coarse leaves without tips The smallest of the leaf grades, it gives good color in the cup and is used for many blends.
  8. (en)Base of Preference.
  9. (en)Style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity, improvised solo performances and a virtuoso execution.
  10. (en)Basic Object Persistence A serialization mechanism used through the Dataphor toolset to persist object state.

bop blow out preventer

  1. Kaçak önleyici.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

bopbop blow out preventerbop eğrisibopeepbopi
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