beyaz tenli ne demek?

  1. (en)Fair.

beyaz tenlilik

  1. (en)Fairness.

beyaz tel

  1. Miyelinli sinir telleri.
  2. Kollagen tel.
  3. (en)White fibres.
  4. (al)Weisse Faser
  5. (fr)Fibre blanche


  1. İnsan vücudunun dış yüzü, cilt
  2. Vücut.
  3. Gövde, beden, vücut.
  4. (en)Symbol representing ten units, as 10, x, or.
  5. (en)The cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system being one more than nine.
  6. (en)Flesh.
  7. (en)Hue of the skin.
  8. (en)The cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system.
  9. (en)Being one more than nine.
  10. (en)The number used as the base for numeral representations -- 'Multiplying or dividing by a power of ten.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

beyaz tenlilikbeyaz telbeyaz telefonlu filmlerbeyaz tepeli kuyrukkakanbeyaz tahtabeyaz tarak dişli ördekbeyazbeyaz adambeyaz afrika gergedanıbeyaz ağaç kelebeğibeyaz alacalı böbrekbeyaz altınbeyaz altın lehimibeyaz arsenikbeyaz atbeyaz ateşbeyabeyabanbeyadbeyadıkabeyadirtenten a pieceten boyasıten commandmentsten each
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